between the curtains#1between the curtains#1 Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas S40(1000×1000×63mm) 2023 between the curtains#2between the curtains#2 Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas S40(1000×1000×63mm) 2023 between the curtains#3between the curtains#3 Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas S40(1000×1000×63mm) 2023 between the curtains#4between the curtains#5 Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas S12(606×606×63mm) 2023 between the curtains#5between the curtains#5 Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas S12(606×606×63mm) 2023 between the curtains #matinéebetween the curtains #matinée Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas P100(1620×1120×63mm) 2023 between the curtains #soiréebetween the curtains #soirée Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas P100(1620×1120×63mm) 2023 慈雨sweet rain アクリル、パステル、木炭、岩絵具、膠 S12(606×606×63mm) 2023 薫風balmy breeze アクリル、パステル、木炭、岩絵具、膠 S12(606×606×63mm) 2023 暖かく冷たい季節Season in the Anthropocene acrylic, pastel F20(H727×W606mm) 2023